Dune Fremen's Rising



Dune: Fremen's Rising is a perspective camera RTT video game based on the well-known Dune IP. This tactical action game with multiple characters tells the brief story of how Paul Atreides, some time after the death of his father and his allies from the Atreides house, experiences a Harkonen siege at the gates of his new home, in which he has been welcomed by the Fremen. In Dune Fremen's Rising, each of our protagonists has their own set of skills to fight against the Harkonnen army and make their way through the different scenarios until they reach Rabban Harkonen, one of the main people responsible for the death of Leto, Paul's father.

My contribution to this project has been the programming of the UI in general, creating the various menus and submenus, start screen, credits screen, pause screen, options screen, win, lose, etc... In addition to the assembly itself the programming of the various buttons, sliders, dropdowns, etc. both in its operation and the actions of each of them, has also worked on a system of animations that allows to transmit feedback to the user for the various actions that occur in the game, all this has been programmed with the intention that the loading times are as little as possible to maintain user immersion.


External links:

- For more information of the project check this.

- To know in details my contribution to this project check this.

- To test the game Download below:

  • Download