Smurf's Crossbow Training



This video game is based on the mechanics of shooting arrows with a bow. The player is mounted on a car that moves at a constant speed and the path to follow can be visualized. This is to avoid feelings of dizziness when playing.

The bow is attached to the left hand (YOU MUST HOLD THE "GRIP" BUTTON ON THE LEFT CONTROL TO BE ABLE TO SHOOT). To shoot, the arrow must be inserted into the bow. The first thing you have to do is press the grip button on the right controller to generate an arrow. Next, you have to bring the arrow to the notch of the bow and then release the grip button so that the arrow attaches to the bow. Finally, you have to load the shot by pressing the grip button on the right hand, on the bowstring (simulating that you load the shot as you would in reality). Releasing the button will fire the arrow.

For each target you hit with your shots, points will be added (which will be represented if you look slightly down). Once the circuit is completed (there are two red flags that indicate the end of the path), the player will be taken to the initial menu and will be able to modify the volume of the game, and you can decide whether to play again, or if you want to exit the application.

My contribution to the project was mainly to program the collision of the arrows with the targets to eliminate it from the map and assign the corresponding points to the player, also program the particles that explode when hitting a target and collaborate with the configuration of the controls of the virtual reality glasses and their integration in the project.


External links

Test the game here (Unity Project)

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